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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dog or A Towel Optical Illusion

Is this really a dog, or a towel?
Cute Dog and Towel Illusion

Sure enough, this is a photograph of a dog, lying on a towel or some sort of linens. Awfully tired, the poor doggy has closed his eyes for the afternoon and must be taking a short cat-nap. Or... umm.. dog nap I guess you would all it.

Notice how through years and years of evolution, this dog has learned how to blend in to his surroundings to be camaflauged from his predators - or more likely, just hidden enough to sneak away from the daily chores and take a well deserved nap.

Makes you want to go get one of these little babies, doesn't it? Well, this type of dog is called a Shar-Pei. Why not go adopt one, although they don't stay this cute and cuddly all their life! Alhtough they do make great pets!

Via New Optical Illusions